This friend really believes in calling dibs, also known as the rule of the land in most situations. If you run to the car faster than anyone else, you get dibs on where you sit, or if you call dibs first on movie night, you get to pick the film. But this friend is calling dibs on something else entirely — the room she's choosing to sleep in during a vacation with her friends.
U/yayabanana17 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to settle an argument. As she explained, the group was planning to travel with eight people, comprised of three couples and two single people. The OP was in charge of renting the Airbnb, so she chose one with four bedrooms, then asked the group if that was okay, and everyone agreed. But once the friends got to the Airbnb, one of them had called dibs on a room she wasn't intended to have.
The OP responded in the comments section to numerous requests for information. Commenters were torn between saying the OP should get to have any room she wants, and saying that the friend was still paying for other parts of the trip, and had equal rights to the room she wanted. Just because the friend is single, doesn't make her any less entitled to the king bed — or at least that's what some commenters believe.
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