Orange cat behavior can be defined in a few ways. Golden tabby's are usually friendly, a little dopey, and sometimes reckless. Unlike some of the more refined colors of cattos, the orange cat is a favorite because they're just so incredibly derpy. The only thing that could possibly make a derpy orange cat even more charmingly clumsy would be if they have cerebellar hypoplasia– known on the streets as 'wobbly cat syndrome'.
Wobbly cats tend to be the clumsiest good bois out there. They don't have full motor control and are constantly trying to balance, which makes them cute little derps that sometimes fall over. They may seem like they're on the struggle bus, but most cattos with wobbly cat syndrome are happier and have better lives than others! Maybe it's because they're subjectively cuter to their owners.

Meet Phineas, the cutest double combo catto we've ever seen. Not only is Phin an adorable orange cat, but he also has wobbly cat syndrome which makes him particularly charming when he loses his cool over treats. The boy loves his treats. Whenever he's offered food of any kind, especially his favorite tuna bites, he ceases to control all motor functions and just goes ham on his feast.

Like a silly drunken soldier, this orange cat devours his food. He doesn't just eat, he consumes. He might seem like a total spitfire, but one commenter on his videos suggested that he might eat aggressively simply because he's under the impression that his food is on the verge of escape. The predator persists. And in case you haven't noticed, snacks are life.

Fortunately this gluttonous golden boy is having the time of his life at home. On several occasions he has gone viral simply for being himself and gorging on delicious treats and snickitty snacks. What makes us happiest about Phineas isn't that he's a happily disabled good boi, it's that he's living all of our dreams in real time.
Absolutely losing his cool over a tuna treat
Phins approach to breakfast? Take no prisoners!

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