Consider if you will the perfect meme in isolation. That subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark. In short, it's both well-presented and a satisfying thing to view, even if not in the ways that we may have come to expect.
While it might be the style to passionlessly scroll past reams of memes at a time, perhaps we should occasionally engage in a more mindful practice. Every once in a while, it's good to really take everything in, even when there doesn't seem to be much substance there. That stupid pun could have taken someone hours of thought, you know.
OK, so that's probably not the case for most memes. That said, by the time we see most of them we have no idea what the original story behind them might be. That's a lot of food for thought, so think on it. This lot are a good place to start.