I can't even remember the first meme I ever saw. I'd hazard a guess that it was something LOLcat related. Whatever it was, it unknowingly kickstarted one of the most enduring relationships I've had in my life so far.
For better or worse, I find it very difficult to imagine what things would be like without my daily dose of internet poisoning. The boomers got all that lead in their veins, and people like me have microplastics and meme format catchphrases that were designated cringe years ago. As with all enduring relationships, I go through phases with them: sometimes I'm completely obsessed, and other times, they just annoy me.
Nonetheless, I can always bring myself to look at a few more. A list like this is a good place to start with that kind of thing. It offers variety, without too much commitment. You'll probably still be back for more, though.