Most millennials are now dating in thirties, not having a therapist is a dealbreaker—on BOTH ends. Live is a jumpy rollercoaster filled with all kinds of loopty loops and jagged turns. It's scary and exciting, painful and freeing, and we know that it's something we need to both do alone and with others. Balance, baby! You know how we learned that? Therapyyyy! We once heard someone say that animals are born with their most important instinct intact—giraffes can run, ducks can swim, and humans can cry out for help. It's a crazy crazy life out there and the older you get the wiser you get. So, hey millennials, lets date wiser as we age and let's use what we us millennials were born to use—memes! Ok, we weren't born to use memes, but we sure invented them and turnt them into a household item, so let's date and meme, baby!
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