When spending time at a hotel, you allow yourself to comfortably leave things around, as you know that the hotel is being monitored by security cameras and staff at all times. Otherwise, you simply wouldn't pay to stay the night. In this case, OP was staying at a very expensive hotel, and when I say expensive, I mean that a standard room typically costs over $500 a night. So what happened to OP's slippers was kind of bizarre. OP was visiting the hotel spa, taking off his slippers and leaving them on the side.
Suddenly he noticed someone else walking out in his slippers, which he said, were designer. It made no sense, as everyone in the hotel definitely had money to spare. He approached hotel staff, asking if they'd seen anyone walk around in his slippers, to which they replied yes, then whipped out security footage. This behavior begs the question… why do rich people feel the need to take things that aren't theirs when they can definitely afford to buy their own stuff? Boredom, perhaps? We'll never know.
Scroll down for the full, detailed account of events, and the outcome. For more, here is a waiter who found out via his manager that some unhappy customers had taken it upon themselves to not only complain to corporate head office but also try to get him fired for laughing at their demands while they were seated at the restaurant.
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