As a remote worker myself, I can personally attest that working from home is the best thing since sliced bread. We're no longer forced into idle small talk near the coffee pot, no longer required to commute farther than 20ft, and no longer privy to the indentured servitude of the 9 to 5– there's not even an obligation to wear pants if you don't feel like it! In this summer heat, you already know that WFH employees are chilling in their skivvies.
For Boomers it can be hard to muster the courage to troubleshoot your own router in order to get wifi in your house, but for anyone under the age of 60, working from home is a dream. You can do laundry while you do your spreadsheets! You can hang out with your dog all day! You can go into a dark dimension of productivity and do 8 hours of work in an hour and 25 minutes. The world is your oyster…
Antisocial people thrive in their own working environment, no longer distracted by the ADHD-inspired offices of yore. Now, distractible workers can avoid the temptation of slacking off in lieu of Slack-messaging their coworkers. And with a ping, we're all revitalized from our work-comas and brought back to our screens, enjoying the final log off of the day as we "commute" 10 steps to our couch. So if you're an antisocial employee rockin' daytime pajamas, these memes are for you!