Deep within the Meowlandian countryside, hidden by a vast forest is a secret village of ameowzing void kitties, known as 'The Village Hidden by the Trees'. This hidden village is far from the ordinary, as the void cats who populate it are all incredibly stealthy and dangerous ninja cats. Though each of these cats is incredibly strong, there is one fabulous feline who stands above all others, the village chief, known as the Meowkage.
The current Meowkage is the greatest that has ever been and has made it through many hardships, wars, and ridicule in his time, all to reach the pinnacle of the ninja arts. This leader is none other than Purruto, the Village Hidden in the Trees' greatest success story! now if you'll just wait in line over there you might be in time to get this meowtastic master of stealth's autograph. Believe it!
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While most void cats tend to be rather serious, a rare few have goofy and even derpy tendencies. These tendencies come out when they are bored, and can express themselves in a myriad of ways, such as bleps, derpy faces or whatever this cat is doing.
'Fear not hoomans, with the help of the 'Ever Hungry Voids(TM)' services, you too can send your dishes to subspace where they will be automatically cleaned. All you have to do is go and adopt a void kitty! '
*Real-life cats do not magically do dishes.
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