Remember when summer break was an actual break? Aaaahhhh those were the days. Now summer is filled with anxiety of planning your kids' break. It really makes you appreciate your parents a little more, huh? You were having the summer of your life, little did you know it was all because your parents planned all of your outings. I remember one year I was supposed to go to horse girl scout camp, but I got in trouble, but was last minute able to go to night owl girl scout, which was way cooler anyways. We did all the usual camp activities—we'd sleep all day and wake up for dinner. It was sick. However, I was definitely a little chaotic, and was asked never to return… Thinking back on that, I never felt like I was in trouble, I just remember having the best time. But now I realize my parents must have been BURSTING with anxiety. Sorry mom and dad. I appreciate you guys! Please, parents, take these memes as a sign that your kids will one realize and appreciate everything you did for them during the summer breaks!