There are a lot of actions that people commit within our society that defy unspoken common etiquette. Well, not even unspoken, sometimes people just refuse to abide by established etiquette. I'm no saint, but I try to be as respectful and decent to the individuals around me as possible.
You definitely have a few specific pet peeves. Myself? Well, I'm not a fan of littering, you should always clean up after your pet and understand the common convenience rules for operating within a grocery store. I'd like to think I'm not judgmental, but, at the end of the day, we all are to some extent. Sometimes other people just make the world a little bit worse for the rest of us.
This very discussion was brought up in an /r/askreddit thread by the user /u/FawnTi when they asked, "What can a stranger do that will immediately make you judge them?" Of course, many users were ready to throw their hats in the ring and discuss what makes them deem a stranger a less-than-ideal individual. Check out the best, and most relatable, responses below.