Residing next to a challenging neighbor can be an absolute torment. These individuals tend to derive pleasure from causing distress to themselves and those in their surroundings, sowing chaos and watching it grow for sheer spite. The mere presence of even one of these individuals has the potential to ruin an otherwise pleasant neighborhood.
Through 20 years of a peaceful existence, these neighbors, a couple and an elderly couple, shared a driveway that ran right between their two houses, providing both parties with access to parking areas in the back of their respective houses. The neighbors were respectful to one another and refrained from parking in it or blocking the driveway for the other party. Things were good until the elderly neighbors passed away, and their house was sold to a for-profit landlord named Mike. Mike was an absolute demon of a human being and had a remorseless approach to dealing with neighbors, just as long as any decision was good for his bottom line. Mike immediately forbid the couple from using "his" driveway. Some investigation uncovered that Mike's property boundaries were incorrect… The portion of the driveway that was actually on his property was actually of barely usable width, and Mike was about to regret ever making the driveway an issue…
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2nd image: David Hinkle
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