Workplaces love to advertise their great benefits, especially if they offer generous amounts of vacation days. This guy played the long game with his own workplace's plan, and it seems like he got the outcome he was hoping for.
U/Yetshi shared that their dad started working at a manufacturing company in 1983, and stayed there for three decades. That's an incredibly long time to stay at one place. Back in the day, people would take a job and were expected to stay there for life, or at least for years. These days, companies offer fewer benefits to employees, plus lower pay. There just isn't as much incentive for an employee to stay at the same company for decades if they aren't getting regular raises and barely have any benefits.
Still, this guy put in hard work to rise through the ranks, only to be consistently told that he couldn't take any time off for the holidays. He put up with that treatment for decades! At least he got the last laugh, as you can read about in this story below.
Up next, these high schoolers had the funniest ideas for a senior "anti prank" — and it went so well that news outlets started reporting on it.
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