The movies are a place for silently watching films, and these folks did the exact opposite. Luckily for them, they were 1) funny and 2) brief with their jokes.
There are few moviegoing experiences worse than being stuck with a jokester. That's a person who thinks they're funny at a movie, but they are certainly not. Usually, they'll yell out a joke, and it will get a big laugh. So their ego is stoked, and they keep going, yelling out more and more jokes and witticisms as the movie rolls on. At this point, usually some or all of the audience will start to tell this dude to knock it off.
In recent years, a lot of ink has been spilled wondering if people still have any movie-going etiquette left. There are babies playing on iPads! There are grown adults scrolling Facebook! There are way too many of you recording snippets of the movie for your Instagram story! It does feel like a lawless land at the movie theater right now.
Lately, people around me in the theater have been having full-blown conversations as the film plays, and it's infuriating. Can't we have one place where movies are still sacred? If you want to be on your phone, stay at home and let the rest of us enjoy the screening that we paid good money for.
Check out these people below, who shared some of the good audience heckling they've heard while watching a film. Scroll down to read them all. Then, this dude had a bunch of odd office habits, like suddenly banning unhealthy food for all his coworkers, simply because he wasn't allowed to eat it anymore.
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