Some customers won't ever be happy with the work your company does, no matter how well you actually do on their project. Take this woman, for example. She decided to take a broken electronic to an electronics repair store. The OP writes that this customer "didn't like the bill. She didn't like the work. She claimed that we'd broken something else." Nothing they did was good enough for this cantankerous customer.
The incident was a great lesson for the young folks who the OP employed to work at their electronics store. People tend to follow your actions, not always your words. The kids got a masterclass in how to kindly deal with a disagreeable client---now they know for next time!
Read the story below for a cautionary tale about what happens when you plot out some malicious compliance or petty revenge without thinking through the consequences. Turns out that massive bags of coins are heavy! This is a lesson you'd know if you've ever emptied your piggy bank and took it to a coinstar, which this client clearly never did.
Next up, these teachers spilled the tea about their most pretentious students, who thought they knew everything by the time they arrived at school in September.
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