'What do I do?': Candidate told after "multiple interviews" that the salary range listed was incorrect

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    Font - After multiple interviews, I'm told the salary range they listed was "incorrect". What do I do? Job offers I applied for this role in July. It was listed as 65-75K - in desired salary, I indicated I needed 75 (it wouldn't make sense for me to switch jobs if not) When I had my first round screening, they confirmed with me that the range of this role was ok with me.
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    Font - Fast forward a month, I've gone through all my interviews and am allegedly receiving my offer this week. I got a call today just telling me I will specifically hear on Wednesday so to prepare my references. In this call, the HR lady told me "there's been some mix up on our end" and the role is a flat 65K salary... HUH? She claims it was a mistake and the listing is wrong. I will add also that all roles of this level have this salary listed.
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    Font - She sounded very uncomfortable. Obviously I am kind of pod. I told her that I find it a bit disappointing that there was not accurate pay transparency and that the salary was a driving factor in my applying. She said she gets it and we can discuss more once I receive the offer. I'm not taking this role if that is what I am offered, I feel like they knowingly wasted my time and I don't appreciate that. Is this grounds to wager for 70-75 as it's what was advertised at all steps of the proce
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    Font - cibman This is a "oh, well if you can fix that mistake and give me the 75k, I'm happy to accept. If not, I won't be doing so. I wonder if the costs and time you've spent on the hiring process make it worth it go go through again." And I would make a note of this practice on Glassdoor as well based on what they say. And of course, this was intentional, so you'd be within your rights to just move on and make them find someone else. 509 Reply Share
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    Font - Nine Inch Malez OP It was a phone call so I stood my ground but was a little too nice about it maybe. I said I went through this process expecting that salary. Didn't say anything more. I hope that wasn't seen as me accepting. 155 Reply Share
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    Font - cibman They made be in for a ru ro awakening if they expect you to start. Honestly, this is a sketchy move, so I see it as a red flag. I'm sure everyone reading this has had some experience where a company made a 'mistake' like this. I remember a time where I was looking at an internal transfer that was supposed to be for a certain amount. The internal 'recruiter'
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    Font - congratulated me and offered my about 10k less. I told them I'd only make the move for what they said. The guy told me we weren't negotiating and I said, okay, not interested. I ended up getting the money but the recruiter told people he had never had someone be so r to him in his life. The funny part was that management who wanted me for this position basically said "whatever" to him and didn't use him for future work. Reply Share 143
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    Font - Nine Inch Malez OP I understand it's a recruiters job to sell you short like this but come ON. That's horrendous. I'm glad it ended up working out for you. In my case, this is also an outsourced "recruiter" (actually the third one for this role so far... they keep switching them). 51 ↓ Reply Share
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    Font - shaoting I was in an identical scenario from November 2021 - January 2022 when I applied for a Project Manager position for a global science company where my wife works. When I had my initial screen with TA, I advised what my salary requirements were - 95k, which at the time, was a modest 10k more than what I was earning at my current employer. The TA lady said that salary was well within their budget.
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    Font - After the TA screen was a 1:1 with the potential hiring manager. I again mentioned my salary requirements and she advised they were in line with what could be offered. Great. After that was a set of virtual interviews - once more with the hiring manager, and then three additional, brief interviews with potential colleagues.
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    Font - Everything went great until HR officially came back with an offer of fg 75K, which was 20k LESS than what they agreed to and 10k LESS than what I was earning at the time. I was flabbergasted and made my aggravation abundantly clear in as diplomatic a manner as possible. When pressed, HR said there was a mistake in determining available "band equity" for the department. She actually wanted to continue forward with the offer process, as if I'd be okay taking a fong pay cut to work for them.
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    Font - This was a company that made literal billions atop their normal billions, due to creating the first wave of Covid rapid tests. Employees across the board were receiving bonuses between four and high five-figures. I still find it hard to believe they couldn't pull a measly 20k out from somewhere to match what was initially agreed upon. ↑ + 96 Reply Share
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    Font - Mojojojo3030 Now if they do come back with $65k, remember to lead them on and draw it out as much as possible before ghosting them to maximize the price they pay for it d. Not like you're gonna work there ever 75 Reply Share
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    Font - Ok_Decent Ah, the ole bait and switch. Very typical tactic used by recruiters to get you in the door 282 Reply Share NineInchMalez OP I'm sure. I stood my ground and she said we can discuss later.... And indeed we will. 76 Reply Share
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    Font - Mundane-Ad-5355 Tell them your application to the company was a mistake and incorrect. 444 ↓ Reply Share


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