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Good teachers are sticklers about things, and the ones you learn the most from are the ones who are insistent upon correctness to an absurd level. That said, every teacher isn't always going to be correct about everything and may wind up insisting on something that is wildly incorrect—like that time when your 6th-grade teacher told you that you couldn't start a sentence with a conjunction. But, further down the line, you later probably came to find that that wasn't really true or a grammatical rule at all.
This teacher wasn't a fan of the word "they" and really hated it when students would overuse the word in their essays. So, this employee decided to maliciously comply with their demand to use it less and never use "they" in their paper again. This paper goes on to take a weird turn, which may or may not have resulted in its removal from the Reddit sub where it was originally shared. Read on and see the story below.
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