You're sleepy. You've had a big day. You did your tasks and now you want a treat. I hear you, boo. We do so much in a day, it's a wonder we have time to fold our laundry. That reminds me, I need to fold my laundry. Sometimes we just need a little TLC to feel like ourselves again. When I'm feeling like a rest, I draw a hot bath, pour in some Epsom salts, and blast my nighttime Spotify playlist-- it's a lot of free jazz and 70s country. What? It relaxes me!
And what better to entertain oneself than a slew of memes handpicked for your wind-down ritual? You deserve a chuckle, or whatever slight exhale sound you make when you see something funny online. So, from the wholesome to the edgy to the classic, we've got you covered, you weekday hero you.