'I don't even get a chair': Restaurant manager won't let hostess sit following surgery

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    "I don't even get a chair..."
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    Font - Posted by u/BlueberryAvailable12 11 hours ago I just had surgery a week ago and I don't even get a chair. I work as a host at a restaurant. I just had laparoscopic surgery a week ago, and my manager denied my request for a chair at the host table. She said it was because "we don't want customers thinking our employees are lazy."I almost quit and walked out. Instead I
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    Font - got someone to cover my shift. The worst part is that, before I got this job, it was standard for the host to have a chair. Apparently two of the hosts "abused" it so now I don't get a chair when I need one. My shifts last six hours and I'm usually not allowed to sit down at all. I'm in pain and I'm tired and I'm thinking about quitting my job over it. It's been two days, I
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    was sent home early last night because I couldn't stand up straight halfway through my shift, this is affecting my paycheck. The rest of the employees are just as piad as I am about it, and they're all fully supportive of me. I just don't know what to do at this point.
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    Font - Edit: My surgeon did give me a doctor's note. However, that doctor's note was for two days off, because most of the people he works on have office jobs. He knows I have to stand up for six hours straight for my shifts and all he did was give me a few extra doses of my pain meds. Basically, doctor's note isn't gonna happen, I already tried.
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    Font - Another important piece of info is that I'm 17 and my sister also works at the same restaurant as me. I definitely can't afford lawyer and my dad is against taking any legal action, as it could result in my sister getting fired. I'm also trying to move out of my dad's house because he's not the nicest person and my mental health is suffering because of it. I need the money to pay for college and to move out ASAP. Basically, I'm fed.
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    otacon444 5 hr. ago . That's a reasonable accommodation under the ADA. 1.1k otacon444 5 hr. ago Reply Share ● Seriously, I'd find an ADA lawyer to ANYONE you 407 and not say did. This isn't right. Reply Share
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    Font - HiRollerette 5 hr. ago ● I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten at a restaurant where the hostess is seated as I check in and you know what? It had no effect on my dining experience whatsoever. Like I never even gave it a second thought. Why do restaurants do this? Why the fu can't hostess/cashiers sit while they work? 251 Reply Share
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    Font - Yeti_of_the_Flow - 5 hr. ago How does one "ale" having a chair? Capitalists are fug stupid. 87 ↓ Reply Share BlueberryAvailable12 OP 3 hr. ago Yeah I've been trying to figure that out since it was mentioned. Apparently after that they didn't give a chair to a girl with a limp and chronic pain, so there's no way I'm getting a chair. 36 Reply Share
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    Font - Yeti_of_the_Flow 3 hr. ago What you should do, is go into the manager's office and take their chair. F them. Reply Share 14 BlueberryAvailable12 OP. 3 hr. ago Funny thing is, my sister is the assistant manager. Technically, if she wanted to, she could go to the GM about all this and fix it. But she didn't and doesn't plan on it. But hey, she lets me take small breaks when the GM isn't there so that's something I guess. Reply Share Vote ●●
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    Font - ChefCory 5 hr. ago Doctors note. They can't argue with that. Sorry your boss s. Email the doctors office and tell them you're in pain at work and would like to sit down. Then tell your manager, not ask, to use the chair. Best case scenario is they tell you no and retaliate. Then message the labor board in your state and enjoy the penalties. 123 Reply Share
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    Font - feralraindrop 5 hr. ago edited 3 hr. ago I really don't understand why so many places of work are so shy to their workers. 33 Reply Share
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    Font - papa-bear_13 - 4 hr. ago Tale a seat. Walk in with a sign for the table that says, "broke my back. Had surgery. Now, my boss is forcing me to stand for entire shift." See just how quickly guests start taking the business apart online and in person. 22 Reply Share
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    Font - RedheadFromOutrSpace 4 hr. ago As a customer, you being comfortable doesn't bother me at all, nor does it affect my experience at the restaurant in any way whatsoever, I'm there for the food, not the people standing up. 4⁹ 9 Reply Share ●●●
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    Font - Pojol 4 hr. ago Food/Retail/Restaurant = s sjob. 4.3 7 Reply Share boss = ●●●


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