The cost of living is so high that many people feel like they are left with no choice but to snag a few side gigs for some extra cash, because once you pay rent, a big chunk of your paycheck vanishes from your bank account, leaving you grasping at straws for groceries and other basics. One person, u/Cryptographer552 found themselves in a tricky position after working on a project for a rather large company that ran major stadiums and event venues. From the very beginning, things just weren't running smoothly.
The manager at the company said they wanted a simple administration database and user interface for employee timekeeping, which seems simple enough for someone with OP's caliber. After agreeing to a rate of $2,000, things went south. OP wrote the system, but the manager kept asking for more and more features, amounting to more hours of work. Suddenly, instead of putting in 2 weeks worth of work, OP was at this project for months. Upset, OP decided to approach the manager and demand more money, as they deserved, but OP was met with dismissal, and worse… the manager canceled the project, leaving OP in the dust. To find out what happened, scroll down for the screenshots.
This story had a happy ending, and I think it is a good lesson to us all to never give up on what is rightfully ours. Next up, an HOA president whose plan backfired after they recruited a landowner who completely revoked his property rights.
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