Every woman was someone's daughter, so welcome ladies. But also, anybody who is raising a daughter (yes, you will always be raising you kiddos, even your full grown adult daughter), welcome welcome! There's no experience like the one you will have while raising your little fireball princess. It's just such a different vibe than raising a boy. Not better or worse, just different. People with daughters know that. And people who are daughters also have an understanding of that. I mean, I'm a daughter and I know I was a very different kid than my brother. I was also the youngest or the two of us, so I had that going for me too. But still, a different experience. For starters, my brother never wanted to choreograph a dance routine and make up silly little chants with my mom, but you bet your bottom dollar I did! Daughters and those raising daughters get what I'm saying, these memes are for you!