As the lunching hour approaches, it can be very normal to feel sluggish and like you have had more than enough of the day already. You sit at your desk wondering to yourself, could, or even should, I just go out for lunch and never come back? You wonder if anyone would notice, if your boss would come looking for you, if Brenda from accounts would rat you out. But in the end the risk is not worth the reward and as such you consign yourself to say put.
And to help you make peace with that decision and help you get your energy levels up to finish the day in a flurry of fury we have got a collection of funny facetious feline memes, specifically designed to fill you with a high dose of frenetic feline energy. So find a spot where you can hide from nosey Brenda and your micromanaging boss and curl up with these spicy feline memes.
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Kicking things of with a light and uplifting facet of feline facetiousness. We could all do with tihs kind of energy when we are feline frustrated and furious. Just imagine getting yelled at for making a mistake and instead of letting the slew of verbal abuse affect you, you make this silly face in response…
The quintessential problem in life is pawfectly laid out in this meme. While the food bowl is merely representative, the truth of this statement applies to all. For no matter what we do the proverbial food bowl will always empty at some point and no matter how hard we try it will never stay full. It is a lesson in patience and acceptance.
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