We love our independent queens and kings who take pride in their hard work. But we are in no way able to relate. All we have to do is wait for the clock to strike five so we can get back home. It's almost like a prequel to Cinderella, only that we get to go home, change into our cozy jammies, and avoid socializing until the next day. I'm probably overreacting, there are some small but fun moments throughout the day. I mean, I do enjoy my work; the difficult part is everything around it. For example, who came up with the bright idea to clock out at five o'clock? The peak traffic hour is at five o'clock, so our travel time could take up to two hours…
But wait a second, all this negativity doesn't pass the vibe check! So, let us end on a lighter (and more positive) note by sharing some of the funniest work-related memes with you! And after you've finished scrolling, and crave some more positivity in your life, check out the top 20+ instances of people encountering good fortune!