'A mountain out of a molehill': After 75-page inspection, first-time homebuyer wonders if he should resubmit new offer, current homeowners chime in

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    "What is appropriate to have the seller fix before closing? Do I resubmit my offer?" m 92245
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    Windows need replacing- who should pay? Got my 75 page inspection report back last night. Due diligence ends in a few days. -Windows need replacing due to improper seal in the panes. No idea what this would cost. -Slight water damage to subfloor next to kitchen, really only seems to be one plywood
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    panel. This could be problematic. No current leaks, but evidence of a past kitchen sink leak. What is appropriate to have the seller fix before closing? Do I resubmit my offer? We love this house and would hate to lose our chance to close just because I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. What do y'all suggest?
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    nofishies 59m ago . Unless the seller has zero other options, they're not paying for you to replace functioning windows that have a blown seal. At least not in my area 49 ↓ Reply ↑ Share vagabrother OP. 57m ago This is what I'm really wondering but I don't know how to ask. Do sellers ever fix anything? Do I resubmit an offer reflecting some of the costs associated with repairing aspects of the house? My real estate agent is a little useless at this point and I'm frustrated with her. She seems in
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    2022Housing Marketlol. 2h ago How many windows are we talking? Water around a sink is much more forgiving than water on a random external wall. At least you know where it probably came from. Reply vagabrother OP • 2h ago I wish I could give dimensions and exact number. I'd say it's essential that we replace 5 or 6 windows. 41 ↓ 3 Reply Share Share
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    PTPTodd 1h ago Is the improper seal leading to leaks? Or does it just reduce their insulation ability? ↑ 3 ↓ Reply vagabrother OP 1h ago They didn't do a blower door during inspection so I'm not sure. It was flagged in the inspection though. 2凸 Share Reply ↑ Share
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    Practical-Ad-615 49m ago We had a 100 page inspection report with things that needed to be fixed (cracked pipe under the first floor bathroom, leak in roof due to missing flashing, floor registers not properly resealed after new flooring was put down by the sellers prior to us looking at the house, etc). Our realtor recommended in lieu of repairs we go back and ask for concessions to cover the repairs ourself and we did. Be prepared to share your inspection report though if that matters to you 4
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    bababooye4549 • 1h ago . I live in the Midwest the rule of thumb for replacing windows is $1000.00 per window opening. 41 ↓ Reply Share ...
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    black_eyed_susan • 20m ago Instead of asking them to replace you can instead ask for a concession. The seller may still say no then you decide if you still want to go forward. In general the seller can't cancel the sell because of the requested concessions. They can offer a lower number or nothing at all. Concessions are a bit nicer for the seller because they don't have to find someone in a short time frame to do the repairs. And you get to know the repairs were done right because the seller wi
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    Wired Headset 39m ago This doesn't affect energy efficiency. Or if it does, it's very marginal. This is only cosmetic. 423 Reply vagabrother OP. 36m ago Gotcha thank you 41 ↓ Reply Share Share
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    nofishies . Well, this is 1h ago 1. Not a need, but a want, unless they are leaking 2. Some thing that is usually noticeable visually before you buy the house, so as often considered to be things, you should know when you place an offer. sellers will often fix things that are unknown when you place an offer, and we have a large impact on other buyers if they try to go back on the market Go talk to your agent, but in my market ( which is a very competitive market, so I may be used to having less


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