When you get a new job, the kind of boss you work with can really make or break the experience. Somebody who is competent and cares about the employee experience should be the bare minimum that we can expect, but sadly, not everybody gets that in the workplace. There are truly terrible individuals out there (in every sense of the word) who occupy positions of professional power.
The one saving grace of all this is that occasionally, hard done by workers can get their revenge. This was the case for one engineer posting on Reddit about an unpleasant job situation that they had wriggled out of in style. Their boss demanded they create a machine to fulfill a large company order, then announced that they intended to demote them to operate it—they couldn't get away with hiring somebody externally to operate it on the wages they were offering.
Needless to say, the Redditor declined and began to look elsewhere for work. Before they left, they were asked to write instruction manuals for the machine. This is where the fun began.