Awwdorable Comeradery Forms on Day 1 When a Smol Kitten and Newborn Baby Share the Crib


Cute as a button and smol as can be, babies of all species are adorable as hecc. For the cat lovers of the I Can Has Community, there's no debate regarding the snuggliest baby of the animal kingdom: Kittens. Spry, smol, and sassy as can be, kittens embody the inherent innocence and beauty of the natural world, while hypnotizing their hoomans with globe-like eyes, a slithery tail, and a rambunctious purrsonality

But would you ever trust a kitten with a newborn baby?


Because many of us have had our fair share of ankle attacks and random foot bites, kittens pose an interesting problem for a parent of a newborn. Are you subjecting your hooman baby to scratches and chaos? Or the cutest, most wholesome friendship? The family in our next story discovered that their newborn and new-found kitten are a star-crossed match of cuddly snugglers who would never dare to harm the other. 

When they first gave birth to their baby, Mandie felt compelled to adopt a baby kitten as well. Going against a mother's instinct, she followed her cat-loving heart and found the one kitten who would never harm a soft-skinned baby. 

The pair grew up together, sharing a crib and learning the ways of the world one day at a time. This hooman baby will always have a friend with this baby because they're more than just a family member, they're their hairless sibling. For more from this unusual pair, click here to go to their TikTok page! 



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