This person is baffled by her SIL's decision to attend family events—and then refuse to say a word to anyone.
Maybe there's at least one person like this in every family. Sometimes there are underlying reasons why people aren't talkative at the function. If you go to a party and one person just won't chat with anyone, they tend to get ignored. If that's what they want, that's what they'll get.
This person wasn't about to ignore the non-speaker at this family party, though. It seems like this woman's sister-in-law is just an extreme introvert. The way she acts is just odd, though. Instead of opting out of events with big groups of people, the SIL attends, and then ignores everyone for the entire night.
It'd be one thing if the SIL was just ignoring people. But in actuality, she was being pretty impolite by rolling her eyes and staring at her phone whenever people tried to talk to her. If she just mentioned that she didn't want to talk, that'd be one thing. But by adding some snark to her reactions, it was just a matter of time before someone called her out for it.
Next up, these people made some pretty silly one-star reviews—they answered their own questions in the reviews they wrote.
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