'Cheese from the dollar store': 30+ Purchases people will never make again

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    What is something that you are NEVER AGAIN? ¡ BUYING A decision often made in rage over the quality of the product.
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    dsharps Glass furniture. I had a glass desk from Ikea for about two years and one morning while I was sleeping it spontaneously exploded. There was no piece of it left that was larger than my thumbnail; it took days to clean up. Apparently
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    that can happen with tempered glass - tension builds up due to temperature changes and it just shatters.
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    [deleted] Jhome warranty. Bought a house that had just hit 10 years, got all the original appliances. 'The appliances are covered' they said, 'but only if you buy a home warranty'. Sure. It only lasts a year, but these things might break in that year. It's only 500
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    bucks. Better safe than sorry. Turns out, does break. The water heater had a problem, the fridge had a problem, none of it caught by inspection. I go to the warranty people, it's 75$ for someone to evaluate it. Cool, I think. Cheaper than buying new Then everything gets denied. The most
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    random- reasons are given to me. I argue, am told that was what the inspectors said. I get the transcripts and guess what? All of their inspectors said the this should be covered. The warranty company lied to me. I throw the lies in their face and get back 'well it doesn't matter it still isn't covered'.
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    One of the dudes, a plumber I later had come back to help, said these companies never cover anything. Their reason on the water heater? Rust on the unit. He had told them the rust didn't cause the problem, and was normal. To them, any potential problem is reason for denial. Got a dent in the unit? Denied. Got a scratch? Denied.
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    Here's the of it, though. This was all in my first 30 days. Like any reasonable person, I thought I could just call up and cancel and get some (maybe?) of my money back. You know what the woman tells me on the phone? It is not legal to return a home warranty in the first year. We're not talking pmi, or fire insurance, or disaster , or whatever. This
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    was just a warranty on things like appliances (and can apply to things like structure). I told the woman she worked for crooks and hung up. So if you're buying a house, and they want 500 / 600 bucks to 'insure' your home for a year, do what my plumber said. Save your money to do the repairs yourself.
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    I'm still mad about it and it's been like three years.
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    cebjmb "Cheese" from the dollar store. 1.1k 1.1k Share SassySlapshots Second this notion - found what I thought was a great deal on block Monterrey jack cheese. Figured I could shred it and use it for different
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    meal preps. Opened the cheese and noticed that the cheese had like a sheen mixed or swirled into it? I you not, it was like an ultra fine glimmer or shimmer in the cheese. I felt so grossed out and tossed it into the bin. TLDR: glitter cheese - got what I paid for.
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    ThatGirl Tasha A G.E. "Made exclusively for Walmart" $50.00 vacuum. I bought a used Kirby from eBay and we threw the G.E. over the balcony and killed it Office Space style.
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    BennyBoiler A frozen gluten free pizza. 3quid for a large nacho with a pinch of cheese on it. What a load of !
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    intheabsenceoftruth. Bacon flavoured popcorn. It basically made my entire house smell like sweaty . I'm not kidding it lingered for days. It tasted dreadful too.
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    gtc42 Food from that shady chinese food cart next to my building... something i've said 4 or 5 times already :( sigh
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    automated_bot Sea-Monkeys. They're NOT tiny humanoids, and their construction skills leave much to be desired.
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    [deleted] A bicycle from Walmart
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    bubonis An inkjet printer. I've probably bought more than a dozen of them over the years and while they produce outstanding color out of the box, unless you're printing full color on a regular basis (like, every day) then you're going to get clogs and failures. And don't even get my
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    started on the whole "you're out of yellow ink, so you can't scan anything now" with the all-in-ones. About two years ago I bought a Brother MFC- 9340CDW laser printer for my mother; a few months later I bought the same printer for myself. No more clogged ink, duplex printing that doesn't saturate the paper,
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    consistent print quality, wider variety of paper to choose from, and overall cheaper than an inkjet. I'm never going back.
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    HiFromBuddha That Loot Crate . I only bought its once, when I thought the stuff was still alright. But it really me off now watching YouTubers continually opening crates and then acting like they're so glad that they got a fridge magnet.
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    [deleted] Clothes from groupon. 1.2k Share spudsicle Almost anything from Groupon, my last few experiences have been pretty bad. When Groupon was new you could get some great
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    deals but now it is spa, product, Chinese restaurant, rinse- and-repeat.
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    C [deleted] I bought like 500 ladybugs on a website. Bad idea. They are beautiful if you find like 4 or 5, but 500? It gets messy real quickly.
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    razbrerry We had a buddy named Dave who once brought over some Klondike Bars for a game night, and left the remainder in the fridge. When he came back a week later, he was horrified and livid that his Klondike Bars, which were left in the fridge of three bachelors, had been eaten without his
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    permission. He made such a stink about it, that us three guys living there, as a prank, filled the freezer to the brim with Klondike bars. We ate them and ate them, but the stock never depleted. Some would "keep the joke going" by buying enough Klondike Bars to fill it back to full. And when you're young and a
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    cheapskate, you'll eat a Klondike Bar before going to find real food. Don't get me wrong, ice cream and chocolate are great, but man. I could go my whole life without eating another Klondike Bar, and that was already 15 years ago.
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    Sif-the-cook A sleep number mattress. is like sleeping on an air mattress and after a little while the sides lose their integrity so the only comfortable spot becomes broken down. Forked out a lot of cash for that stupid mattress, the only one who seemed to like it was the cat.
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    [deleted] Anything from Finish Line. A couple of years ago, I needed a new pair of shoes. Luckily, I had a Finish Line gift card (I had never shopped there before, but I'd save money with the gift card), so I walk in and buy a pair of shoes. The cashier asks if I would like coupons sent to me in the mail.
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    I figured, sure, why not? So I wrote down my address and everything. Got my shoes. Everything's cool. Fast forward to 7 months later, I have a $60 charge on my bank account from SPORTS*ILLIST (something like that, it resembled Sports Illustrated) so, being confused, I call Sports Illustrated and tell
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    them I was charged for subscribing even though I could give a less about sports. The man basically tells me "Sorry about that, I don't know how that could happen. The charges should be reversed within about 3 days." I figured, alright good, this s¯`'s finally over. Fast forward 2 weeks later, I realize that the charge has NOT been
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    reversed whatsoever. I decide that I'm going to call back again after work and talk to them about it yet again. So, after work, I check my bank account one last time to see if it was reversed. Not only was it not reversed, but I had ANOTHER charge that said something like SPRTS*ILLIKIDS (Sports Illustrated Kids) for another $60. So basically after he told me the charges would
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    be reversed after 3 days, they WERENT AFTER 2 WEEKS, and then they had the to charge me yet again. This time I was and called immediately. The tone in the lady's voice seemed like she had been dealing with this all day or something. She sighed, and said "Have you purchased anything from Finish Line
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    recently?" and I had to think about it.. Then it hit me that I did about 7 months ago, and I said "Yeah.. Why?" and she said "Because this has been a problem with everyone who purchased from Finish Line. I'll have the charges reversed, this time I really will." and after the phone call, I called the bank to tell them about the whole thing.
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    Everything was refunded back to me in the end, but after dealing with all of that I'm never buying from Finish Line again. Who the do you think you are just subscribing everyone to Sports Illustrated unwillingly. I don't even give a about sports, I just wanted to buy a simple pair of shoes and that's it.
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    TL;DR Finish Line signed me up for Sports Illustrated without my permission, I just wanted to buy a pair of shoes. Tried reversing the charges, but instead they subscribed me twice, had to call the bank to actually fix it. DON'T SHOP AT FINISH LINE.
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    KanishkT123 A Lenovo Laptop from India. I bought a Y500 from them, and it was the worst experience ever. I know most people think the company is excellent, but their after sales service is SIMPLY AWFUL. Two days after delivery, I found that the touchpad wouldn't work properly. After
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    repeatedly emailing them, asking for repair centers, a repair tech, or any number of other things, I was told that I had applied for a replacement too late, since I had bypassed the one week replacement limit. I asked them again about repairing the laptop, and they sent over a technician who knew less than I did about laptops. He left the house having
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    spoiled the screen by scratching it with a screwdriver and twisting the fan blade so that the laptop wouldn't start anymore. With infinite patience, I called the repair center and asked for a repair tech to fix the things the previous guy had done wrong. They made excuses for days and days, doing absolutely nothing. If
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    you think Comcast is bad, this was far far worse. I was misquoted saying "The issue has been fixed" and they closed the case number, telling me I would have to go through the entire process again. I was given a Lenovo Official Helpcenter number (This is when I learnt that the guys I was speaking to were simply a small repair shop that Lenovo had
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    contracted all their Bombay customers to). After waiting on the Lenovo Helpline for fifteen minutes, listening to elevator music, I was told that the Helpcenter was inactive, and that I should call up another number. THE VERY SAME NUMBER THAT BELONGED TO THE REPAIR SHOP.
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    I. Lost it. The worst part is, in India, it's not possible to sue a company and expect speedy resolution. All of this was happening a few weeks before my exams, and I had a Comp Sci project due for submission. In the end, I had to give up this new, almost never used, laptop to a repair shop that I actually trusted. Their service
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    was far far better than anything Lenovo had ever offered my so far, even if it was paid. I ended up using my old HP DV6000 for my exams. I managed to submit the project on time, but seriously, Lenovo. TL:DR: Lenovo for getting me stuck in a feedback loop.
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    IAMA_MAGIC_8BALL_AMA Those pink, frosted animal crackers. Good as all but I ate wayyyy too many when I was younger and I still get sick even to this day when I think about it.
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    deu5ex I will never go with my current ISP ever again if I have an option. The amount of I've had to deal with is just insane. First, they bought our previous ISP. I call to cancel the phone line we got for free along with a free router. New ISP tried to charge for it, but say they'll of
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    course remove it. Get confirmation letter. Get another one. In the end, I got one letter every day for over three weeks confirming the exact same thing. Still shows up on my bill. Get charged for TV. It's included in my rent, I call them and they said sure, we'll of course remove it. It shows up on next bill. I call again, they claim the bill was
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    printed before my call, just pay less than what it says on the bill. Next month, it's still there. They claim the exact same thing, printed before I called. I call the rep on his all he does is cough and ask if there is anything else I need help with. I mildly lose my at this point, but I finally get rid of the extra charge on the next bill.
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    This was all in the span of three months. Never again, if I have the option. Previous ISP worked flawlessly for over a year. What infuriates me the most is that this is most likely their modus operandi, counting on people not reading too closely what they're getting charged for. Granted, they are reasonably priced at 100mb/s for an equivalent of $15 a
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    month, but based on their customer service and general inability to do even the simplest of tasks without several weeks of issues, I'll go with another one next time. edit: alright, some sloppy conversion on my part, it's closer to $24/mo, still reasonable in my eyes.
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    vish_dafish Any steam game before it goes on sale
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    kevlarkate A cheap vacuum. I have two dogs, and vacuumed with it the day before I bought a new one. Vacuumed with the new one (Shark Rotator Professional, for those wondering) and literally filled 2 trash bags with missed pet hair, having just vacuumed the day before.
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    Hanta3 3rd party controllers. They only ever last all of a week or two before something goes wrong.
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    samaroni1 As fun as they are, those cheap remote control helicopters are probably the most frustrating things to try to control. I think I've owned three and they've all broken within one week of buying.
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    TheRealTurco Beats By Dr Dre...Why didn't I listen to what everyone telling me!
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    ghunter21 Ben and Jerry's changed the heath bars that they use to some tasteless, disgusting hippy about a year ago. I get that they're all about conservation and all but they screwed up my absolute favorite, go-to ice cream of all time. I was in Vermont
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    when they invented heath bar crunch about 25 or 30 years ago and they were giving it out as samples. I fell in love right then and there but they have wronged and cut me deep. Never again unless I hear they go back to the old heath bars
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    zomboromcom Off-brand saran- wrap/cling film. Tears if you look at it wrong; won't stick to itself on wrap around. in a box.
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    Skadoosh_it "As seen on tv" Pocket hoses. They are terribly flimsy and break when left out in the sun for even a few minutes. I've had 2 break like that.
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    Modern Hermit God forsaken Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears
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    ArguingPizza Wooden tiki torches. They get after one season outside in the elements, and half of them come crooked and crack when you put them in the ground. I invested in some nice metal and glass ones
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    liquidblue24 Hulu subscription, I can't stand the paying for a service and still have to watch through commercials.
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    Modern Hermit A DVD rewinder. useless. 3.5k Share • • • londongarbageman. I remember when Blockbuster was first introducing DVDs and my dad got a notice that he failed to rewind his disc before returning it to the
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    store. "Some people are just dumb," he said "but don't threaten me with a fine because of your own stupidity."
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    'What is something you are never buying again?' 'I bought like 500 ladybugs on a website... bad idea'


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