At some workplaces, you're encouraged to ask questions, while at others, the bosses take it as a sign of incompetence. Maybe you've had that type of boss before: they'll say, "Sure, come to me with any questions you have." But when you do ask them a question, they give you a stern look, or question why you don't know this thing to begin with. That makes an employee not want to ask questions again, because they don't want to look incompetent. But communication is key in the workplace; bosses who don't want to deal with questions are just making everyone's lives harder.
This person, u/chaotic_david, was confused about why they were fired from their government contract role. Although they tried to clarify with their boss what was the priority and what wasn't, they still got the boot. That's probably why they were fired in the first place, though. If a really smart employee starts questioning aspects of the job that can't be fixed (like constant unpaid overtime), many bosses will just decide they're not fit for the job, and will move on to the next person who will agree to work that constant OT.
After that, these people revealed the funniest things they've ever gotten in trouble for, like one baffled person who shared that "At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket… on my bike."
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