When you are on vacation, there is no reason whatsoever for you to have to deal with work. Unless your job physically saves lives and makes the world a better place, there is nothing that cannot wait for you when you return from your much-deserved time off, and employers who cannot accept that, do not deserve to even have employees.
That is why I am pleased with how this Reddit story turned out because the manager didn't get away with what they did to their employee. OP (original poster) shared that while on vacation, his wife's boss kept trying to reach her because of some work crisis that could not have been handled without her. After being forced to take care of it on her PTO, she came back to work and found out that her boss had written her up for not being immediately available on her vacation. Luckily, she didn't stay silent and reported her manager to their boss in return.
Scroll down to read the full story. Up next, a story of a manager who purposely excluded a temp employee from office perks.
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