Setting prices as high as you like and hoping that someone will be naive enough to purchase what you are offering is what's so fantastic about the free-market system. However, you might also set an absurdly low price in order to get rid of the item and absolve yourself of any liability in the unlikely event that something goes wrong after the transaction.
The parent who purchased a children's suitcase from an online retailer is described in the story below. ahead of an anticipated family holiday, the original poster (OP) had bought a suitcase for his youngster. Upon opening the bag, the original poster discovered items that were likely misplaced by the prior owner and inadvertently placed into the now-sold item. Therefore, OP contacted the former owner and informed them of the clear misplacement, as any responsible adult would do. However, rather than receiving praise, the previous owners insisted that OP cover the shipment of the goods...
Having said that, be sure to read the story below if you're interested in learning if OP complies with the entitled owners' demands! After you're through, don't forget to read the post where Redditors reveal the most amusingly sudden shifts from employment to unemployment!
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