What are the professional rules on "take-backsies"?
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Nothing is more trashy than doing take-backsies on a gift. You gave someone something to say you care about them, but then you ask for it back?? If it's because you don't care about that person anymore, then fine, that makes sense. But if you're making it some casual thing like it's no big deal and doesn't mean anything, think again.
This happened with a manager and their employee. The manager promised one free item from the shop for this employee on his birthday. So he got a toaster oven. Then, not too long after, the manager told him that the price of the toast oven was actually going to be taken out of his pay… Excuse me? What? Do managers not know the meaning of a gift? The employee had already started using it, so now he doesn't know what to do. He wants to keep it, but he also feels like he should return it on the principle of it all. Because seriously, who does that? What would you do? Read the story and other's takes on it below!
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