Despite the fact that cats are some of the most independent, amazing, strongest creatures out there, even they need help sometimes. All it takes is a bad set of circumstances, and suddenly, even the very large and scary humans become a better fate than their other options. It's difficult though, for us humans, to help every cat and kitten. How can we know where they are? Cats are skittish by nature, they hide. So, when a cat comes out and asks for help, when a cat meows and lets you know where they are…
It happens more often than you think. We've seen a video of three adorable kittens crying for help and thankfully get rescued, we've seen a stray mother cat bring her only kitten to a human to ask for help, and we have even seen a teeny weeny abandoned kitten block a man's car until he stops and helps. This video is much like those other ones, and we are just as thankful that the humans helped this kitten when it needed them the most.