This person really knows when to walk away from a job that's no good for them anymore. They happen to have impeccable timing!
Some managers at retail stores will do the absolute bare minimum. A lot of them have been in retail for ages, and they feel they've earned the privilege of getting off the sales floor and cocooning themself in a back room to goof off for their whole shift. It's apparently their prerogative to do so… but their employees aren't happy about it! Instead of getting help from their boss, employees have to run around like crazy, knowing all the while the boss is scrolling social media without a care in the world.
This person's boss was getting under their skin. The owner of the place only had to buzz the employees to let them know when a customer arrived, and besides that, the boss spent the whole shift chilling in their private office. Not to mention that this person was given a task to do that was just so gross. They were completely right to leave, and with the dramatic way they departed, it shined a light on just how badly management was running the shop.
Up next, these bosses had some really ridiculous requests for their employees, like one who asked "if he could borrow $1000."
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