Hey, I Can Has-ers. We're about to take you back to the 1600s, where people still believe silly superstitions like "black cats are evil" - because apparently there are actually people who still believe these things! One feline pawrent of a purrfectly precious void cat (see below) recently moved into a new apartment, but after learning that they had a black cat, they said he wanted to evict him. Are you serious?
This loving cat owner took it better than we would have, as they took to the interwebz to ask if they should try to purrsuade their landlord about how cute, caring, and not at all an omen of bad luck their cat is, or if they should move out. They received a comical collection of funny comments, but some gave a cautionary warning: your cat's safety is the most important thing, and you never know what people are capable of. Scroll down to read the whole story below!
Look at that purrecious little face - how could you pawssibly look at that thing and think it's evil or an omen of bad luck? All we see is a cute little face with enormous eyes. The only evil thing it does is try to steal our hooman food!
If only we could actually do that. Our life would be so much simpler if that was still a thing. Oh well, guess we'll have to take him to court like a normal person.
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