Helloooooo, feline friends. The fated feline day has finally arrived - Caturday is here! We made it through the week and now we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor, meaning that we get to do whatever our cat-obsessed heart desires. Usually, that means chilling on the couch and playing with our cats, scrolling through hissterical cat memes, and watching silly cat videos all day. Our dad always said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", so we plan on doing the exact same thing today. Let's start the day off with some hilarious feline posts that purrfectly capture the essence of Caturday shenaniganry.
Caturdays, just like our cats, are both silly and serious. We're serious about relaxing, spending time with our fur babies after having been at work all week, and recharging our social batteries, but we're also engaging in silly behavior by giggling at all things cat-related all day. It's the purrfect balance of kitty coziness and feline funnies. Can you think of a better way to spend your Caturday? We can't.
Jim, as much as we appreciate the effort (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery), we really do think you should put that mask away and never let it see the light of day again. Not only is it terrifying, but identity theft really is no joke.
In case any of you were planning on proposing to your cat anytime soon, this is how you do it. They don't want a diamond ring, they just want a new cardboard box - but just like diamonds, the bigger, the better.
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