After you turn 30, things really go downhill. Physiological specialists say that at that point, your body is no longer regenerative, and your cognitive function peaks–which checks out because these knees have been cracking for over a decade and I've had a migraine for a year. However, just because elder millennials, Gen X, and Boomers are getting a little dusty, it doesn't mean that we're completely out of the loop. We may not know who the celebrities are, where to get a broccoli haircut, or what 'rizz' means, but we're still pretty savvy for our age!
We may be aging every single day, but by the grace of meme studies and cultural perusing on the Interwebs, we've been ritualistically applying anti-aging cream to our frontal lobes.
So the next time some Gen Z kiddo comes up to you and says an entire phrase that doesn't exist in the English dictionary, you'll be ready. If you stay plugged into the world of the youngsters, not only are we more experienced and wise, but we're tempted to stay forever young. No matter what those stinking specialists say! So if you're looking to do some more research on all things trending and contemporary, start with this collection of generational memes that'll rock your socks off and keep you from saying, 'cool beans' ever again.