Let's do a Geek test - Close your eyes and think hard about Jerry's apartment from "Seinfeld". Ok, now open your eyes because you can't read this text with your eyes closed. But let's do a little memory test - I want you to Imagine you are standing in Jerry's kitchen, facing the living room, and now you start walking towards his bedroom. Did you take a right towards the bathroom and then take a hard left right into the bedroom? Pretty impressive considering we never actually saw his bedroom in any of the episodes. We DID see the bed on several occasions, but we have no idea what his bedroom looks like.
Something weird happens when you watch the same show for years - you start to get a feeling for the place it's set in, as if you've actually been there. You know the layout of "Central Perk" , of the bridge in Star Trek, of The bar in "Cheers". Well, artist Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde brings us wonderfully detailed floor plans from a lot of our favorite TV shows, and it's mesmerizing.