When did gaming get so hard?
First off, new games cost $75 dollars now instead of the OG 20 bucks down at the ol' Radioshack. Not only that but in order to play this enormous and expensive game, you need to buy some outrageously powerful setup to even support a file so huge. Oof. And that's assuming you even have time to play a video game every now and then. If you're a casual gamer–like me–it's tough to find the time in our busy adult lives to carve a spare 30 minutes to even log on to our favorite games!
But it's oh-so-tempting to just quit our jobs and whisk away into a captivating and complete universe on our big screens. We've already forked out thousands in cash for the video game and the console or the PC setup–we wanna play! Nowadays, there's a whole universe in your video games, tempting you to spend hours and hours in front of a video game, soaking up an alternative universe far more interesting than our own. So if you're a casual gamer and you wish you had more free time to play video games, keep scrolling to use up your 5-minute break on some gamer memes that'll fill the void in your gaming soul.