This person has to do that dreaded annual task: getting his car inspected. If you have a good car, it only takes a few minutes out of your day to get it passed. But if you have a clunker or you've been hearing some suspicious noises as you drive, you may be in for an annoying time.
Some people wait last-minute to get their car inspected or do other annual tasks because let's face it, we all have a million things going on in our lives. It seems like some people are better at planning ahead than others, but that's no help for the people at the auto shops who have to deal with stressed-out customers. U/Tay3600 finds themself in that situation at the end of each and every month.
As the original poster writes, these customers seem to have this mentality of "My failure to plan is now YOUR problem." The cashier writes that they try to help as best they can, but only for those customers who are actually nice to them. No need to go above and beyond for a customer who won't even show basic politeness!
Next, this customer had a bad interaction with a cashier, so she called to speak to the manager… not realizing the manager was that same cashier!
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