Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. When we hear the word 'friendship,' what comes to mind? People, memories of hanging out with girlfriends, laughing over pizza about our families, exes, and everything in between, crying to each other, seeking advice about guys, dates, parents, and work. Usually, a friend is someone you can rely on, who cheers you up, who you have a connection with and can trust, but it isn't always the case.
This Reddit thread is about that type of 'friend.' Someone who's not actually there for you, who doesn't care about your wellbeing, your happiness, and who doesn't want to build trust. This woman has been put on a blind date by her friends, but something's suspicious. The photos he was sent of his blind date wasn't the girl herself…and the story only unfolds more from there. Confusing, much? But this one's a long one, so buckle up.
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