Even though it is not a solution many families aspire to reach, divorce can often do wonders for a family. Sure, no couple wants to admit defeat and give up, but sometimes, having the heart to separate is the best thing to do both for the parents and their kids. Understanding this might be a lot harder for the kids than the parents, so parents have to approach the subject very carefully to make sure everyone is actually on board with the idea of splitting up the family. Something that definitely did not happen in this Reddit story.
OP (original poster) wrote to Reddit after he found out that his wife had cheated on him. Even though she was very remorseful, OP still decided that he wanted to get a divorce. What he did not expect, was that their daughter would be so against the divorce, that she would accuse her father of breaking up the family, and stand by her mother's side, despite her knowing she cheated. This left the father hurt and confused about what he should do regarding the divorce.
Scroll down to read the full story. After that, click here for a story of a daughter who refused to pay rent to stay in her parents' home.
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