The internet is not always a place that rewards deep thinking. Our beloved web thrives on hot takes, shooting from the hip, under-researched opinions, and gut reactions. The flashier, the better. If you dare try to put a little more effort in, you'll be scoffed at and called a nerd. But, in one far-reaching corner of the internet… the opposite is true.
Over on r/showerthoughts, Plato and Aristotle would fit right in. It's full of armchair philosophers, chronic overthinkers, navel-gazers, and people whose shower time simply inspires them. Sure, they might present as casual, funny, or even downright stupid, but the thoughts that these folks are sharing all have a kernel of genius inside of them. They present deep truths with a smirk. They make us scratch our heads and get our brains tingling. They make us titter, they make us existentially afraid. We look at them every month to remind us that we're human.