Hi, mommas. Becoming a mother comes with all sorts of unexpected surprises. No amount of parenting books, podcasts, or mommy TikTok accounts can truly prepare you for having a baby - your baby. There are plenty of baby behaviors and habits that go unwritten because they vary from baby to baby, or they are so innocuous that they are not worth mentioning when giving childcare advice. For example, every new parent knows that newborns do not sleep much. It is important to be aware of this fact to mentally prepare yourself for months of little sleep and erratic daily schedules. However, no one tells new parents that their baby's grip is stronger than that of a gorilla, and getting them to open their tiny fist to relinquish that tiny, hazardous object will be harder than trying to open a sealed pickle jar with oily hands. Read below to read what other behaviors no one told these mothers about!
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