Happy soup season to all who celebrate! There is a nice crisp brisk breeze in the air now, so that means it is officially soup season. We do not care if it's going to still be 80 degrees or something next week. Soup season has begun! There is no turning back now. You're just going to have to sweat it out while you eat your chicken noodle. And for those who eat soup year-round, we applaud you. That's absolutely crazy when we're pushing 100 degrees, but soup is still delicious and you have a talent! How can you pour hot liquid into your body when the outside of your body is already so hot? Jealous, tbh. Anyway, no time to dwell on the past, it is soup season now, time to switch into soup mode. What's your favorite? Butternut squash soup? French onion? Chicken noodle? Pho? The options are endless and they are all delicious! Preface your soup meal with these extra hearty and hilarious soup memes below!