Happy Halloween parents… It's the one day of the year when you're legally allowed to steal at least 15% of your child's candy and call it the "chaperone tax." Technically you can do that any day of the year but it's especially encouraged today. Today you get a pass, especially if you take your kid to the nice houses in the neighborhood so their chances of getting a full-size candy bar are higher.
After all, you're the one that wrestled them into that Elsa costume that they're now complaining is too itchy. And you're the one that had to ruin their day but save their toes by forcing them to wear a winter jacket over their costume. So if you sneak a Milky Way special dark, nobody is going to blame you. And while you're waiting for your kiddo to come down off of a well-deserved sugar high, you can scroll through these tweets that know your exact struggle.