Doing favors for people generally would be met with some sort of reciprocation or thanks, and you would generally expect to be compensated for any of your own resources you might spend helping them. Say, something like paying someone for gas when they've given you a ride or picked you up from the airport. It's not an equal transaction because you're not compensating them for their time or for the service they've provided you, but you're at least saving them from bearing the most direct financial cost of helping you out.
Of course, parents will always argue that the "service" they've provided you is the roof over your head and maybe even the fact that you exist at all. There is a point to this. However, it doesn't feel fair when it's used against you as a teenager, particularly because you haven't had any choice regarding your or the family's situation at this point in your life; you're still just taking what's been given to you. Of course, you're going to be given more responsibility as you get older. Some of these will, in some ways, be both an obligation to your family and a favor to your parents.
This teen was forced by her parents to drive her younger siblings around, paying for the gas out of her own pocket. Things went too far, and she elected to ride their bike around again rather than be shouldered with the burdensome chore of the "privilege" of access to the car. However, her parents countered by then attempting to force her to drive regardless. Frustrated, the teen shared her experience with this online community, appealing to them to see who was in the wrong in the situation.
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