Welcome, moms, mums, and mommas. It's a wonder you amazing mothers even have time to click on this listicle. Between making sure that the fridge and pantry are perfectly stocked to prevent a toddler meltdown, making sure their kids leaves the house in clean clothing and the right shoe on each foot, and not losing their minds when there are no matching pairs of socks in the laundry, moms barely have time or space for themselves. However, somehow overworked mommas manage to find a moment or two of respite each day — during nap time, waiting in line at the grocery store, or in the car during their kid's clarinet lesson. If you're a frazzled mother enjoying a moment of silence by checking your email, refreshing your Facebook feed, or doom scrolling mindlessly on your phone, enjoy these 25 hilarious tweets by fellow witty mothers who intimately understand the trials and tribulations of parenting.
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