I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Your Purrfect Caturday Meowgazine: 20 Most Iconic I Can Has Meowments of the Week From Silliest to Sincerely Soul-Soothing

  • 1

    My 22 year old girl

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    My parents found her abandoned in 2006 and the vet guessed she was around 4. I was also born in 2002, so every year we share a birthday and have grown together ??.

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  • 2
    A picture of my cat after not eating for 30 minutes
  • 3
    Brick's House of Horrors @BrickMahoney you'd think the thing in my house with the most cat hair on it would be my cat
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    'I have adopter's remorse'


    On a cross-country road trip, one dog lover (ew, we know) rescued a tiny orange kitten while at a gas station, and after a few days, the responsibility of it all started to sink in. The heartwarming cat community came to his rescue to purrfectly save him from himself, by helping him get through his fears of loving his new fuzzy family member for such a long time. Cat people are the best, aren't they? People helping people, helping cats, helping the world be a better place - it's pawsitively the best thing you might read today!

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  • 5
    My coworker asked me to babysit the kitten she is fostering while she traveled... kitten is laying it on thick. Must. Resist. Adopting.
  • 6
    Cats when they see something that's inedible URPLANET bo
  • 7

    Smelling the fresh air

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  • 8
    f Hira @lookwhoshira Thought I was meowing back to my cat for the past hour but it turns out it was just me and my dad meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
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    GOOD BOY #1
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    Forest Barnette @foresthempen My 3y/o is the only girl at her small daycare. I was thrilled when she started talking about her new friend Piper and how much they loved to play. Every day for months: Piper this, Piper that. Finally I asked the daycare lady about maybe scheduling a playdate. Piper is a cat.
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  • 11

    "Roommate thinks my cat is 'our' cat"

    About a month ago I brought my cat from my parents house to our apartment. I have had her since she was a kitten and am now able to have a cat in my apartment so I brought her. Ever since then, my roommate has been weirdly possessive about my cat and seems to believe that we share custody. She insists that she sleeps in her bed at night and will steal her from my lap. She has even made comments about "sharing custody" when I move in with my partner next year.

    For the original poster of the thread we are featuring today, a frustrating feline situation left them feeling confused and fed up as to how to approach their roommate. The roommate in question completely crossed the line when it came to OP's cat, often referring to the cat as their shared cat, rather than OP's cat. The kicker is that this cat is OP's childhood cat and of course, OP covers all of the cat's expenses. What would you do in a situation like this? We would have to move out at all costs. 

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    Orange Cat Behavior

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  • 13

    My family makes fun of him because of his ears so please tell him he’s the cutest patootie in the whole world

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  • 14
    Noella Usborne @no_el_la "feed the cat" - boring - oversimplifies the dynamic - sounds like a chore "fatten the beast" - interesting - pleasing to the ear - gives power where power is due
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    >> Michael @Home_Halfway Just had a great conversation with my cat. We discussed the following: 1. Is he a little baby 2. He is in fact a little baby 3. The fact that he's very cute 4. The origin of how he got to be so cute 5. Why he is so little 6. Details as to how he's a good boy
  • 16
    Cats are liquid
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  • 17
    Just found this amazing little magic shop, but the shopkeeper is refusing to transform back into a witch. 11 300
  • 18
    Are you storing your cheese in the fridge? Experts say you should leave it on the counter Experts:
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    kei @robocopera my moms cat was acting sick so we went to the vet turns out she is healthy but she is jealous of the attention that im getting (im sick) so we are acting like she is the sick one so she wont be jealous anymore
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  • 20
    Laura Lovette @laurajlovette Can you imagine how awkward it would be if your pet went on your phone and found the 1000s of pictures you have of them sleeping


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