‘I’m loving the free entertainment!’: Sister calls out spoiled brother for not inviting her to his wedding, then goes abroad for the holidays leaving her family in satisfying chaos

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    Cheezburger Image 10447739136
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    The tale of my brother's completely open totally not secretwedding So my brother is the golden child and doesn't like me. He pretends he does when my parents are around, so oi still have to go to his and his kids birthdays and give them presents, or I'll look like a bad person. Because he's a golden child, you know he'll eventually screw up. And boy did he.
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    He had his wedding during the pandemic in 2021 and didn't invite me. And he told everyone to keep the wedding a secret because I'm apparently volatile and my SIL is afraid of me. Which didn't work bc her mom likes me a lot bc of my volunteerwork with refugees (she came to our country from Asia in the 60's, so she kinds knows the difference between real kindness and her daughter's BS. So I knew this before the wedding. Anyhow, Since this was the first time I could skip giving my brother a gift an
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    This year, my darling golden child brother is too tired from 'remodeling' his daughter's first appartement (he put three Ikea closets together) and they can't have my mom over for Christmas. My boyfriend and I are at his new appartement in Denemark and my sister is in Tenerife.
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    My mom called my sister and I YESTERDAY that she plans to come over tomorrow. When I told her that I'm abroad, she was furious with me for keeping it a secret. How date I. So I said: "What, like you did with Arjan's wedding". And then the gaslighting started. Oh no, of course i knew, everybody told me about it. When I asked why she never talked about the wedding she kept twisting, turning and changing the subject and kept berusting me for abandoning her during the holidays.
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    So i did the same. Kept repeating that we definitely talked about it and she definitely knew. She lost it so badly that she handed the phone to my dad and did the fake crying and wailing thing. Now my brother is blowing up my phone and threatening me with slander. I really hope he does, because then I can call his MIL (who likes me) to the stand. As I'm a legal advisor for the local county government, I'm loving the free entertainment!
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    olerndurt My mom does the fake crying and guilt trip act with me also. I just tell her 'I'm not having any bull t, mom.'
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    PsychologicalDance12 no notes
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    Careless-Image-885 Well done. Brilliant. Just keep turning her words back on her.
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    haplessclerk What the heck kind of slander does the brother think you did? Ridiculous.
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    National Pension_110 I feel for you—this family dynamic S ks for you. Keep protecting yourself and build your alliances as you have done-through generosity and authenticity.
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    butterfly-garden Perfect Uno Reverse with the gaslighting!!!


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