'You should seriously double check who you share your documents with': Company keeps spamming wrong email, man hilariously joins group chat and makes them regret it

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  • They kept spamming my email... So I joined their chat
  • This happened ~10 years ago. I have a very common name in Spanish. My email is my first dot last at Gmail. I have had this email for so long I can't remember. I am not sure why but it seems a lot of people don't understand how email works so I end up receiving their bank
  • statements, bills, etc. Always from different people (their middle names are always different) Anyway, I started receiving meeting notes from this random company, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. I kindly
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  • replied to them explaining that they have the wrong email. No one ever listened... One day I get added to a group chat (some discontinued Google product) so I joined the chat... I see they start talking about some customer and start asking questions... I
  • start offering my opinion (I just make it up as I go). Some of my responses are starting to make no sense... Then I just go full on bananas and start telling them they are all idiots for not checking their emails before sending invites lol. The meeting
  • went silent... I was kicked out of the chat room a second later... I continue to cause some drama by editing the titles of their docs to "you should seriously double check who you are sharing documents with"
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  • I had such a good laugh... They were not very tech savvy as I had access to the files for a while and went back to see them change the titles back. After 2 weeks, I got bored and just removed the docs from my drive. Never had an email from them again.
  • Curiously, this situation has happened more than once with different entities lol
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  • dedayyt I would've paid $$ to be in those chat groups with you! High five!!
  • simonjp I am not mean enough to cancel orders, dinner reservations etc. but it is so tempting. Instead I keep a map of all the places the different Simons live, work, visit. It has over 100 pins.
  • KatinHats Suddenly wishing I had a more common name/email combo. Sounds like a GREAT way to vent out other frustrations haha
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  • epok I have the same issue. My name is not common. For awhile, someone's entire life was landing in my inbox on a daily basis. It stopped after I started cancelling his flights and hotel reservations.
  • LunarKnight22 I've received soooooo many emails for other people, while I've had this address for about 20+ years. Flight information, docs for a house purchase, and crop for BS health supplements. For 4-5 different people in various places in the world.
  • Wotmate01 You should have kept it up, made good suggestions in the chat, then start complaining that you hadn't been paid for your work
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  • OshKosh BGolly The same thing happens to me. My email address is firstnamelastname at provider dot com. I get medical appointment reminders, receipts, and car service reminders all the time for other people with my name. Sometimes I respond in a weird way as that person just to amuse
  • myself. Most of the time, but just ignore or let the sender know they've got the wrong email. I always wonder though, how do you not know your own email?
  • VonAether I've also had a first/last at gmail since Gmail was founded like 20 years ago. I know of about two dozen others with the same first/last
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  • name. To be fair, it's not always my doppelganger at fault: sometimes it's others who type it in wrong because they're not. paying attention. I get newsletters, family reunion reminders, car repair receipts, real estate inquiries, the whole thing. I do my best to tell them that they've got the wrong address, but if they become repeat offenders, I get less polite about it.
  • One of us freshly turned 18 and used my email address to sign up for every single sketchy dating site he could find. He stopped (or at least stopped using my address) when I started changing his passwords and/or profile pictures.
  • In one notable case I had someone book a flight. I canceled it. The cancelation confirmation, of course, went to me. I have no idea if he caught it before he showed up at the airport.
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  • Available-Maize5837 I got an invite to a street party because my email is.com and they wanted.co.uk I replied after two or three (thinking it was a scam at first). We ended up having a nice laugh and after the street party happened I was updated with photos of it and my name sake. It was quite lovely... Good old Brits.
  • annerkin I've got the same email address format and the same situation. It's actually an issue at Gmail, you can google it, it has to do with the dots. I get mail intended for multiple people in the UK, USA and Canada. I've been sent boarding passes, vet appointments, financial records... All kinds of things. I tried in the beginning to reach out but only got silence in return.


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